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PTFE座椅蝴蝶閥, also known as fluoroplastic lining corrosion-resistant valves, is a PTFE resin (or profiles processed) molded (or inlaid) method in the steel or iron valve pressure parts of the inner wall (the same method applies to all types of pressure vessels and piping accessories lining) or the outer surface of the valve inner parts, using its unique properties in the resistance to strong corrosive media made into various types of valves and pressure vessels.


PTFE valves are lined with lining process for all the places where the medium can reach in the valve body, and the lining material generally adopts fluorine plastics such as FEP (F46) and PCTFE (F3), which can be applied to pipelines with various concentrations of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, aqua regia and all kinds of organic acids, strong acids, strong fluoride and other但是,腐蝕性介質等。但是,氟襯裡的閥受到溫度的限制(僅適用於-50℃和150℃之間的培養基),並且襯裡材料可以應用於各種壓力容器和管道配件。在媒體之間〜150℃)。







DN150 PN10和16 CI+CF8+PTFE WAFER蝴蝶閥沒有槓桿(3)



此外,Tianjin Tanggu Water Seal Valve Co.,Ltd。是一個技術先進的彈性座椅閥支撐企業,產品是彈性座椅wafer wafer蝴蝶閥,凸耳蝴蝶閥,閘閥,雙法蘭同心蝴蝶閥,雙法蘭偏心蝴蝶閥,平衡閥,晶圓雙板止回閥,Y-strainer等。在Tianjin Tanggu Water Seal Valve Co.,Ltd.,我們為提供符合最高行業標準的一流產品而感到自豪。借助我們廣泛的閥門和配件,您可以相信我們為您的水系統提供完美的解決方案。立即與我們聯繫,以了解有關我們的產品以及我們如何為您提供幫助的更多信息。

